Come and meet the staff at our school!
Headteacher: Mr Simon Elledge
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Deputy Head and Deputy DSL: Mrs Heidi Padfield
SENCO: Mrs Sharon Reddyhoff
Class teachers:
Mrs Allie Gripper -Year R
Miss Charlotte Brown-Year 1
Mr Will McCloskey - Year 2
Mrs Vickie Burpitt - Year 3
Mrs Charlotte Trew and Mrs Elena Foot- Year 4
Mr Johnathan Webb -Year 5
Mr Tom Abbott - Year 6
Our teaching assistants are:
Miss Kerrie Anker
Mrs Eva Green
Mr Jonathon Wall
Mrs Sarah Bollen
Mrs Gill Bailey
Mrs Loraine Lane
Mrs Charlotte Roots
Mrs Anita Martins
Mrs Becky Peckover-Mitchell
Mrs Emma Hollex
Miss Jennie Newell
Elsa Miss Gemma Vanstone
Breakfast Club run by:
Mrs Loraine Lane
Office Staff:
Mrs Karen Arnold- School Business Manager
Our cleaners are:
Mrs Jo Sleep
Lunch staff
Mrs Tracey Spiller
Mrs Sue Phillips
Miss Kerrie Anker
Mr Jonathon Wall
Mrs Emma Hollex
Miss Gemma Vanstone
Mrs Loraine Lane
Subject responsibilities
Reading and Phonics Charlotte Trew
Writing Johnathon Webb
Maths Heidi Padfield
EYFS Allie Gripper
Science Tom Abbott
Computing Elena Foot
RE Vickie Burpitt
Humanities Sharon Reddyhoff
PE Tom Abbott
Library Charlotte Brown
Art/DT Allie Gripper
PSHE Elena Foot
Languages Johnathan Webb
Music Charlotte Brown
Educational Visits Coordinator Simon Elledge
Eco Council Vickie Burpitt
School Council Charlotte Brown