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Stalbridge Church of England Primary School


Activities Blog

Big Me!

Please find attached a photo of all the children dressed in their Aspire costumes for Big Me! day. Thank you to all funds received towards the ActionAid charity.



Castles homework

Thank you so much for all efforts with Castles homework!! The models, posters and information produced has been absolutely brilliant and we enjoyed sharing and showing all the work today.



Road Safety Week

Neil Lovejoy from Dorset Police visited the school and all the classes had a Road Safety Workshop with him and his colleague, John. In Year 1 we found out how to stay safe when walking and in the car when we must wear our seatbelts and not distract the driver!

We went to Gore Farm

We went to Gore Farm. We found animal homes, hunted for natural materials, made clay owls and our own outdoor art. We also listened to the story 'Owl Babies'.
Click on the photo to see more.

Fishy Business...

We were lucky enough to have special visitors in our classroom today from 'Something Else Fishy' to help us make some healthy food using fish! We all tried some smoked mackerel and we made fish cakes using cod to take home to cook and have for dinner! We learnt about how fish is good for our bodies in lots of different ways and how we can have fish as part of a balanced diet too.

Red Noses All Around!

We all wore red clothing and some of us had red noses to wear for Comic Relief on Friday 13th March, we all had a super day raising money and awareness for other people who need our help!



Delicious Delicacies at Dikes!

We were invited by Belinda and her Mummy and Daddy to visit Dikes and looks at all of the fruit and vegetables they had to sell in their store! We were very lucky and got to try lots of different kinds of fruit and vegetables that we hadn't tried before and learn new things about them too. We are going to make some pictures using fruit and vegetables to send to Dikes as well!

Foxes have Green Fingers!

We had a very busy afternoon planting in Foxes Class, Miss Elseworth came in to help us and we planted sunflowers, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce and different types of flowers. We had to use soil and water to help the seeds grow and we will be watching them carefully to see what will grow first!

Eric the Knight is in a pickle!

We must be the most helpful class in school at the moment as lots of interesting characters have jobs for us to do! Eric the knight needs a new shield and we have been trying to find a good material for him to use that will keep him safe when he defends his castle! He needs a strong material that he can carry into battle that isn't magnetic as the enemy has a big magnet to steal the knights shields! We tried to sort our materials into two groups using a magnet to see which materials would be better for Eric.

What makes a good friend?

We have been thinking carefully about what makes a good friend and looking at Jesus to help teach us how to was a good friend to everybody. We have learnt a lot, and that sometimes it is not always easy to be a friend. We freeze framed parts of the stories we have heard about Jesus to show how he was kind and caring to people even if they weren't kind to him to begin with.

Measuring Measuring Everywhere!

We have been given lots of special missions from the Giant this week to make sure that we are excellent at measuring and weighing! He asked us to measure our feet using different tools and to weigh his belongings so he knew which bag to use so he could carry his shopping home! We think he is a little bossy but we now know how to weigh carefully and measure accurately too.

Out and about in the village

We had a great walk around Stalbridge on Friday. We learnt about lots of old features, used our geography vocabulary and thought about what we like and dislike about where we live and go to school. It was great fun! All the children were so well behaved and a pleasure to take out. Well done!

Our first two weeks in Year 1

We have had a great start to Year 1. We are always busy with activities. We love playing doctors and treating the patients with our ever growing knowledge of the body.

Looking back at our relatives

Here are Caitlin and Jenna sharing pictures of their relatives from long ago! Amazing! Thank you to Ivo for helping to take care of the pictures.


Shuffle up day

We had a lovely morning getting used to Year 1. We found out that there are lots of exciting things to do. Here we are having fun!

First week in Foxes Class

We have had an exciting week in Foxes class, settling in to our new classroom, new routines and meeting our new teacher. We love our Foxes Den..


Great first week.

Well done Woodpeckers class, we have had a fabulous first week with you. You have settled in to KS2 really well and we have enjoyed working with you. Keep up the good work!


Year 1 at Bristol Zoo

We had great fun at the Zoo as part of our whole school expedition to Bristol. Take a look at some of the animals we saw and some prehistoric ones too!!.... Thank you to Mrs Perrott and Mrs Phillips who helped our class throughout the day.

Healthy eating week in Foxes Class

We began our healthy eating week with a treat of having a class breakfast on Tuesday morning. One child commented on 'how lovely to have breakfast with my friends'. On Wednesday we had a Kiss Fitness circuit session including press ups, star jumps, spotty dogs and jumping over a rope. We also did our own jumping Mexican wave which was great fun. Thank you to Nikki and Dan as we all really enjoyed it. We finished the week making fruit faces on plates and then enjoyed eating them! We used nectarines, grapes, cucumber, tomatoes, apples, bananas & satsumas.

D & T for Summer Term - Playgrounds

Our D & T project for this term is Playgrounds. To introduce the topic we visited the Jarvis Way play area to see how the play equipment is made, constructed and assembled. Watch this space for how we will use this research in the future weeks.....

Stories with familiar settings in Literacy

We have introduced a new topic in Literacy and started with Olivers Vegetables. The children have been sequencing the story, creating tissue paper settings, discussing characters and our role play has become a garden centre. In Numeracy we have been learning to count on in 2s, 5s and 10s.

World Book Day in Foxes Class

During this week the children have enjoyed World Book Day - they were divided up into mixed year groups and then visited different classes to produce a Bedtime Story Book. Each child contributed to the books whether it was illustrating, ideas for characters, settings or writing. It was great fun and some fabulous books were created. All the children and adults enjoyed a day in pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers.

W/C 11th February in Foxes Class

Our literacy topic this week was looking at fiction and non fiction books whilst in numeracy we were reading and interpreting data including pictograms. Our role play has become a travel agents and the children worked hard to finish their stained glass windows. We also had our first experience of the new school netbooks. Take a look and see....

Chinese New Year in Foxes Class

This week we have been looking at Chinese culture, had a Chinese restaurant as our role play area, decorated a dragon and made a lantern, wrote our names using Chinese writing, as well as our usual phonics work. Our numeracy has been balancing, weighing and estimating. We have also started our stained glass window decorations using tissue paper - keep an eye on our classroom window!

Foxes class visit to St Marys Church on Wednesday 30th January

As part of our RE studies this term the children had a chance to look around our Church. This was an opportunity to have a good look around and to listen to lots of interesting facts. They also sketched stained glass windows.

Spring term

This term we will be looking at Fairytales in literacy and eventually writing our own versions of well known tales. Our role play is a castle and we have princess costumes and knight outfits to dress up in. We also have a variety of masks and fairytale books to reinact the stories.

Week commencing 10th December - Nativity Carousel

This week the children have enjoyed our Christmas Literacy Carousel. This included the children becoming characters in Bethlehem in the role play area, designing Christmas cards with religious symbols and sequencing the nativity story. Numeracy introduced the Tens and Units of numbers.

Making our Christingles

The children all made Christingles this week. Two were chosen be used at Church on Thursday morning for our fortnightly service. They had great fun putting the sweets and raisins onto cocktail sticks and then adding the candle.