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Stalbridge Church of England Primary School


Home Learning

Timetable Idea 

Please read this PDF if you might like some ideas of how to achieve a balanced mixture of activities and topics for your week.  These are ideas and not compulsory, please only choose to use this if it suits you.

Recommended Websites for daily learning
Home Learning packs and other cross curricular websites

English - Reading 

Would you like to try some new books? Here are some great online libraries if you would like to try something new.  

English - Writing



We are not going to be introducing new content but making sure we revise areas already covered.

It would be fantastic if for maths, children could focus on the following

*multiplication - knowing all times tables from 0 - 12
*multiplication and division problems e.g 34x4, 120/10

*addition and subtraction

*place value - knowing what each digit in a four digit number represents e.g 4817 is 4 thousands, 8 hundreds, 1 ten and 7 ones and being able to count up and down in thousands from a four digit number



By the end of year 4, children are expected to know their tables up to 12x12.  As you may be aware, children will be taking part in the Multiplication Check in the summer term. 


As much practise at home will certainly be beneficial, not only for the purposes of the check, but once children are confident with their times tables, it opens up many possibilities when solving maths problems mentally.


Please continue to enjoy TTRockStars as well as other games available online.  Also you may want to try the Chinese times tables, if you remember you inverse operations, you have less to learn!




Remember the NSPCC Pants Advice  

If you need to, talk about stuff that makes you worried or upset. If you ever feel sad, anxious or frightened you should talk to an adult you trust. This doesn't have to be a family member. It can also be a teacher or a friend's parent – or even Childline 08001111



Decision Making

You always have a choice.  This is an activity pack about making decisions and recognising what or who might be influencing you.  Read through the slide show with an adult and follow the activities and discussion points.   


England Athletic's Design a medal competition and Home School Pack! Can you design a rainbow medal?  

Katarina Johnson Thompson (aka KJT) is a World and Commonwealth Games Heptathlete champion. Over her career she has won many medals to recognise her success and hard work.

Now KJT needs your help in designing a new "Rainbow Medal" which recognises the amazing Superhero Key Workers that live amongst us and who keep us safe in these times.

Interesting activities 

We are in the process of editing this section of our website page.

BBC Learning

This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.


Ted Ed

All sorts of engaging educational videos


National Geographic Kids

Activities and quizzes for younger kids.



Learn languages for free. Web or app.


Mystery Science

Free science lessons


The Kids Should See This

Wide range of cool educational videos


iDEA Awards

Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.


Paw Print Badges

Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.


Nature Detectives

A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!


Oxford Owl for Home

Lots of free resources for Primary age


Geography Games

Geography gaming!


Blue Peter Badges

If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.


Red Ted Art

Easy arts and crafts for little ones


Print free learning 


Here are some print free, online learning links to virtual classes from some really interesting places:


 A ten week series of activities learning about the marine environment of the Maldives. Activities range from colouring to learning about Olive Ridge Turtle Conservation and how the islands were formed.


A series of short family nature videos from Sabi Sabi Nature reserve, SW of Kruger National Park in South Africa. Children can submit questions.


Traditional Story telling from Uluru, Australia. Traditional owners of the land, the Anangu, explain the culture and history of the rock formation through traditional stories. They use 360 views, showing the caves and rock symbols.


Natural History Museum

Can't get out far to explore nature?

On this page you'll find activities and ideas to occupy yourself and family at home, in your garden or local outdoor space.


 Build your own castle. A local Irish Artist has created a video showing how to construct your own castle at home, using paper, cereal boxes and carboard tubes.



The TTS has released some free home learning packs.

Dyson have created 44 engineering and science activities you might like to try


BBC Learn - lots of videos covering many subjects
