Recommended websites for daily home learning
The National Academy
This website offers daily lessons for maths, English and foundation subjects and the opportunity to listen and watch assemblies.
White Rose Maths Home Learning
We have subscribed to these high-quality maths resources. The website provides teaching videos and the relevant worksheets are available below.
BBC Bitesize
Using iplayer or the website, the BBC are offering daily lessons.
Cross curricular home learning packs
STEM Cross Curricular Activities
STEM have provided activities for science, maths, computing, DT and other cross curricular links. There are lots of practical activities, which the children can attempt.
Dorset Council online resources
A recommended list of platforms and websites to use, which includes resources for mental health and wellbeing; arts and crafts and reading.
Dorset Virtual Athletics Competition
Below are documents, and a link, to a virtual athletics competition being hosted by Dorset School Games, which EVERYONE can get involved in.
Dorset School Games Virtual Cricket and Gymnastics