Our Vision;
We believe in building each other, in discovering the potential of our world and in ourselves; we aspire to be the best that we can be.
Our vision was created with all staff, pupils, governors and parents. It is rooted in Romans 12:2-8, which encourages us to transform ourselves to be the person that God wants us to be. It also identifies that we are one body with many parts, all working with the gifts given by the grace of God.
Our Values are Believe – Discover – Aspire
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning; this enables our school to provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
We believe in God
We believe in doing our best
We believe in fairness and equality
We believe in making mistakes
We believe in families
We believe in friendship
We believe in ourselves
We want the children to have the courage to use learning skills to discover more about themselves and the world around them by using;
Curiosity- Discover how to ask questions through enquiry-based learning, a sense of awe and wonder
Resilience- Discover how to keep going when things become difficult.
Ability to change – Discover how to change ideas and ways of learning.
Risk taking- Discover how to take safe risks in learning to experience new ideas and make progress.
Communication- Discover how to share our ideas and learning through speaking and listening and recorded resources. Be courageous advocates of those things that are important to them.
Reciprocity- Working together – Discover how to work with others in small groups, pairs and whole classes. Discover how to compromise, lead and support each other.
Plan- Discover why planning is so important and grow in their knowledge of problem solving through planning
Making connections – Discover how to make links across the curriculum and with our learning at home and school
We have high aspirations for our children, no matter what their starting points are. We aim to provide exciting and challenging curriculum with trips, clubs, activities and visitors for the children to experience. We want our pupils to aspire to achieve their best. We aspire to have a relationship with God and provide an environment for children all faiths and those with none.