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Stalbridge Church of England Primary School



Our Curriculum Intent:

It is our intent, that we offer a clear, coherent and well sequenced curriculum that provides an outstanding quality of education to meets the needs of our learning community.


This broad and balanced curriculum is based on our vision and incorporates our core values:

 Believe - Discover - Aspire


We believe in building each other,

in discovering the potential of our world and in ourselves;

we aspire to be the best that we can be.


(Our vision is rooted in

Galatians 5:22-23  By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.)


Our aim to ensure that the curriculum we offer is meaningful and relevant in the context of the school community, through a process of consultation, evaluation, collaboration and review, working with key stakeholders. Each stage continues to feed into the development process, allowing for re-evaluation to take place and improve our provision.


The impact of this process is a curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils and wider school community, enabling them to believe in themselves and others, discover their potential and the potential in the world around them, and aspire to be the best they can be.


Our Curriculum Implementation:

  • A clear, coherent, sequenced curriculum that reflects the core visions and values of our school.
  • Attainment and pupil progress will be at least at expected level or better for all pupils, regardless of their starting point.
  • All pupils will be engaged with and challenged by the curriculum provision.
  • Progression of key knowledge and skills within year groups, between year groups and across key stages. It will be visible throughout all areas of teaching and learning.
  • Teaching and learning that is: informed by the curriculum; accounts for the starting points of pupils; and is responsive to the changing needs within and between the sequence of lessons.
  • The use of assessment will be embedded in the planning, teaching and learning process. It will reflect both formative and summative methods and will be used to respond to emerging needs, misconceptions, errors and gaps in knowledge and skills.


Our Curriculum Impact:

A broad range of evidence is used to measure the impact of our curriculum:

  • Pupil progress data
  • Progress in pupils’ books and work samples
  • Collaborative team feedback and evaluations
  • Monitoring, evaluation and feedback cycles of teaching and learning
  • Appraisal meetings
  • Link Governor visits and feedback
  • Pupil voice


More details of the Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Intent can be found by clicking on the link below:

We believe in keeping our curriculum structure and policy under review to ensure it is meeting the needs of our learners and our school community. Each curriculum area has developed an overview of the intent, implementation and impact, which is reviewed regularly. Specific goals and aims are reviewed termly. These can be accessed by clicking the links below. You can explore each year groups curriculum by clicking on the 'Children' link and then 'Class Pages'. Long Term plans and termly curriculum overviews, as part of the class newsletters, can be found on each class page.


National Curriculum guidance can be found here:

Learning Behaviour at Stalbridge

At Stalbridge, pupils learn about the skills and attitudes needed to be a good learner. They do this through the school vision: We believe in building each other up, in discovering the potential of our world and in ourselves; we aspire to be the best we can be, through God'


We also promote a ‘Growth Mindset’ where pupils are encouraged to have a positive open mind about their abilities, understand the process of feeling stuck or making mistakes and reflect on the process of learning.

Our maths teaching comprises of resources from White Rose and the NCETM.  

Teaching Modern British Values


At Stalbridge Primary School, we recognise our responsibilities to teach the children according to Modern British Values. We use these throughout the curriculum and alongside our Christian Values. Staff are well informed in respect the statutory duties with regard to the 'Prevent' programme.
