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Stalbridge Church of England Primary School


Uniform Information

Stalbridge Primary School Uniform Policy

  1. Stalbridge Primary School is proud of its successes and reputation in the community. We believe that a smart and distinct uniform provides a number of advantages for children.
  • It creates a feeling of pride in children’s appearance and themselves
  • It provides a sense of togetherness
  • It reduces distraction away from learning
  • It creates a sense of order and purpose around the school
  • It reduces peer pressure about clothes children might otherwise wear
  • Parents and carers are expected to support the uniform code (see Uniform summary). By sending a child to our school, parents and carers are agreeing to our simple and fair rules. Please help us by sticking to the rules.


Support to allow children to follow the uniform code

Where we can, the school will always help parents who need support for their child to adhere to the code. This includes where a child is new, a child has a particular special need or illness which impacts on uniform, or where an item has been lost and a replacement can be borrowed for the day.


The school uniform comprises:

  • Grey trousers, maroon sweatshirts/cardigans with school logo (crew neck)
  • White polo shirt
  • Grey skirts, or pink and white small check dresses in summer
  • Black shoes in the winter and closed toe sandals in the summer. (boots may be worn to and from school).
  • Please note, flip flops or trainers should not be worn.

Children are expected to wear uniform PE Kit
White T-shirt, Black shorts or jogging bottoms, plimsolls or training shoes in a named bag.

School tracksuits are strongly recommended for all children, especially during the winter months. Plain black jogging bottoms can also be worn.

School sweatshirts, T-shirts, tracksuits and book bags are available online.

Swimming kit, including a hat, will be needed in the summer term.

For safety reasons children are actively discouraged from wearing items of jewellery, although those with pierced ears may require studs. Watches are encouraged though these must not distract from learning and must not be Smart watches or worn for sport.



  1. Sanctions are rarely needed and easily prevented by adhering to the code. If, despite support, the code is not being followed, the school will put sanctions in place. These sanctions help families and children prepare for the expectations of senior school.
  2. Trainers – A child will be expected to wear their PE daps as an alternative to school shoes. Trainers aren’t acceptable. (see item 3)
  • Extreme hair styles/ Dyed hair/ shorter than a ‘number 2’- Children may be asked to work in a different class until the hair has been changed. On some occasions, the school reserves the right to send a child home.
  • Jewellery- Only watches and stud earrings should be worn. Parents will be contacted about inappropriate earrings. Other items, such as necklaces, will be removed and returned to parents at the end of the day.

