Believe - Discover - Aspire
Welcome to Stalbridge Church of England Primary School Web Site, if you would like paper copies of any of the information on our website please email or phone our office.
We are a 'Good' school, Ofsted March 2023 and a SIAMS Excellent school ( November 2019).
Our school is a small, welcoming and inclusive place to be, with a family feel. We are one form entry, with 191 children on roll. It has a long history within the village, with many generations having attended here. Our facilities include: an outdoor swimming pool, an environmental area and a well stocked library's. We have a strong partnership with parents and carers, which allow us to work together to provide the very best education for our children. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, where all pupils can achieve their best. We recognise our place in the community. We have close links with the Church including attending church every month.
Our Christian values ; Believe- Discover -Aspire- encompass everything that we do.
Starting at our school
Whether your child is due to start school in Reception or another year group, we would be pleased to hear from you. Contact Mrs Arnold on 01963 362487. We can give you a personal tour of the school and explain how we can help your child to achieve their absolute best with us.
Our School Rules
Our school prayer:
Lord God, we give you thanks for this wonderful world,
and for the gift of this school,
and for all who share in our life together.
Thank you that you believe in us to grow and develop our gifts.
Help us to believe in ourselves and in you
so that we can realise the gifts and talents
you have given us.
Give us, we pray, a creative curiosity
so that we can discover more of your wonder
and purpose for our lives.
Lord God, we are part of your creation which is very good.
Bless us with courage to aspire for all that is good
and builds up our common life.
Lord God, be our vision, our hope and our life.
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Online Safety
We are committed to providing guidance and following procedures relating to online safety. We are registered with the SWGFL 360 self review tool and provide a comprehensive curriculum which includes online safety.