We had a wonderful opportunity to watch the famous orchestra in The Poole Loghthouse Theatre this afternoon. An amazing sight and beautiful sound.
We have all been learning how to play the guitar and I have to say the 12 bar blues sounds fantastic! We would like to invite you in on the 7th July at 11:20 for a short assembly, during our music lesson, to share our learning.
Well done to all of you for fantastic team work and co-operation making your Anglo Saxon houses.
Thank you for your donations of sweets towards the school fete on the 23rd. Please come along to support the PTA and enjoy the afternoon.
We had a great week exploring printing techniques in the style of Andy Warhol.
I am so proud of my Squirrels after a week of practising, we've all cracked column addition with at least 4 digits and beginning to become more confident with column subtraction. Well done all of you.
We visited the library on Thursday and learnt all about reading for pleasure. The children enjoyed choosing a book and many would like to join the library to take out books and enjoy at home. Well done everyone.
On behalf of all the staff in year 4, we wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
As we move into the second autumn term, we change our topic to look at Crazy weather! With this topic, I thought we could use a cross curricular link into Science and explore states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). We will investigate how solids change to liquids and gases and vice versa. Have a look at the links page to get you started!
Our class assembly was amazing! We are all so proud of the class for speaking loudly, singing beautifully and acting effortlessly. Well done!
Please remember to support the Macmillan coffee morning, this Friday (26/09/14). Children can wear non uniform, in green and white colours and we would ask for a donation towards the fund please. Cakes for the children, will be available to purchase after school. If you are free, please join us and support a very worthy cause. Thank you
Our first topic for the whole of the first half term, is about the Rainforest. We will be exploring what it is like in the Rainforest, the habitats and climate. This is a cross curricular topic which incorporates most of our foundation subjects and literacy.
Whilst at Montacute House we learnt about life for rich and poor Tudors. We dressed in tunics and pretended to be servants for the Tudor lawyer Sir Edward Phelips Montacute House's owner. We carried big silver serving trays from the kitchen, on the ground floor, all the way to the dining room on the first floor. We then explored the gardens and found the ice house.
We had a fantastic time on our trip to Montacute House. The children were very well behaved and a credit to the school. The guides were very impressed with the Tudor knowledge the children had and the difficult questions they asked!
The Year Four Class Assembly will be on Wednesday 23rd March 2011 at 9:10am.
Dear Parents/Carers
Squirrels class activity evening and sleepover!
In the autumn term Year 5 go on their two day residential to Leeson House. Though everyone enjoys being away at Leeson House and we never encounter any problems with children not coping overnight we know that children (and often parents) worry about being away from home and their loved ones for perhaps the first time. To help overcome this we have decided to hold a sleepover at school so that children get a taste of being away from home for a night. We've chosen Friday 16th July as the date.
Here's how we see it going:
3.15pm Children go home as normal
5.30pm Children return to school in own clothes, with swimming kit, overnight things, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, pillow, teddy etc
5.45pm Children say goodbye to parents and enjoy activities including swimming
8.00pm Barbecue and camp fire
9.30pm Prepare for bed, bedtime stories and hopefully
10.00pm Sleep!
The boys will sleep in the hall and the girls will sleep in the reception classroom. Staff that will be attending are Mr Allen, Mr McAney, Miss Swaine and Miss Gould. Mrs Lane and Mrs Bollen will be in charge of catering.
After a fantastic night's sleep we will serve breakfast of croissants, toast and fruit and then we'd love you to pick your child up at 9am and take them home.
I think the children will love the evening. We'd like to charge £5 for the sleepover to cover the cost of the barbecue and breakfast.
Please complete the permission slip below and return with payment to the school office by 9th July.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Allen
My child
.. would love to attend the year 4 activity evening and sleepover on Friday 16th July.
I enclose £5
Please note any food allergies or if your child is a vegetarian.