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Stalbridge Church of England Primary School


Parents Information

School Times

Mornings 8:45 - 12:00
Afternoons 12:55 - 3:15
There is a mid morning break of 20 minutes from 10:20 - 10:40.
This leaves a total lesson time each week in excess of 26 hours.

Extra curricular clubs run from 3:20 to 4:15pm unless otherwise stated. Staff take the children to their chosen clubs.


Travel To and From School

Vehicular access to school is severely limited. If children arrive at school by car great care should be taken. Pedestrian access is by the main gate or side gate via Station Road.


Emergency Closure

Parents would be notified of early or emergency closure of school through text messaging. We also send an email and post a message on the front of this website. Schools no longer rely on local radio.


Lost Property

Parents are urged to label all their child's possessions. Should items become lost the school has a lost property box, which can be viewed by contacting the school office. Come and speak to us and we will help you to find any lost items.



The school provides hot school meals for those that choose to have one. Packed lunches may be brought. Free hot school meals are available to those eligible upon application and from September 2014 all children in years R, 1 and 2 are eligible for a free hot school meal. Lunch at school is taken in 2 sittings under the supervision of the Headteacher and a team of supervisors.


To find out more about applying for free school meals, click on the link below



Absence due to illness should be reported to school by 8:55am on the morning of absence.


Please note that we are unable to authorise a planned absence from school due to government guidelines. Holidays during term time cannot be authorised and parents may face a penalty notice for taking children out of school.

Health, Welfare and External Agencies

All children should undergo a medical examination by their G.P prior to starting school. During the first year of schooling the school nurse carries out health interviews with parents and children.


Dental screening is carried out during Years R and 4.


The school can also call upon the help and advice of the Educational Psychology & Speech Therapy Services and close liaison is maintained with the Education Welfare Officer.



In the rare event of a child requiring non- prescribed medication during school time, parents are required to bring the medicine to school and administer it themselves. The only exceptions to this policy is prescribed medication such as antibiotics or inhalers for children with asthma. Please see the office to complete the required paperwork.Junior children keep their own inhalers with them. Infant inhalers are kept by their own class teacher.


Any other exceptional circumstances should be discussed with the Head teacher. Should a child fall ill or suffer an accident at school parents or their nominated emergency contact will be informed. In the event of non-contact or severe emergency the school will take all action necessary for the safety and well being of the children.



The school holds personal accident insurance cover for all employees and for all children. This service is free of charge.


Secondary Education

Children are educated at the school until the end of the Summer Term following their eleventh birthday, when they normally transfer to Sturminster Newton High School , which caters for children aged 11+ to 18. As children approach the age of transfer we are pleased to discuss with parents the range of options available for secondary education.


Charges for School Activities

The policy of the Governing Body on Charges, is that for any school activity which takes place during the normal school day there is no charge. The exception to this is for the provision of individual or small group instrumental music tuition where a termly fee is charged and pupils are expected to hire or purchase their own instruments.


Further details are available from the school office.


For an activity such as a school trip or visit we may ask parents for a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of transport, admissions etc. Should we receive insufficient donations to cover costs, such trips may be cancelled, and donations refunded.


The PTA invites donations to help cover the cost of swimming each year.


For longer, out of school activities, such as field studies and venture weeks, charges are made to cover costs. The major part of these is for residential fees. Remission of such fees is available to parents who are in receipt of Income Support. Details are available at school.


Parent Involvement

Parents are encouraged to take an active part in the education of their children and in the general life of the school. We value their contribution to many different activities ranging from needlework, cookery, art and craft, to swimming, games, cycle training and many more, and parents are regularly invited to attend class assemblies and concerts.


Any parent wishing to help in school in a voluntary capacity should initially contact either their child's class teacher or the Head.


Parent Teacher Association

On a more formal level there is a P.T.A., whose aim is to promote the education and enjoyment of school by the children and to provide funds for various activities and equipment. The committee is elected annually at the AGM held in the autumn term. The Headteacher and staff work closely with the P.T.A. and value most highly the contribution, which the P.T.A. makes to the life of the school. Regular P.T.A. and school newsletters listing social and fund raising events are sent to all parents.


Parent Consultation

During the academic year there are opportunities for parents to consult with teachers on a formal basis, in the Autumn and Spring terms. During the Summer term written progress reports are sent out to parents. All staff are happy to see parents, either formally by appointment or at the end of the school day to discuss problems which may occur.


Home School Agreement

From September 1999 a national system of Home School Agreements has been introduced which identifies the basic responsibilities of teachers and parents in their relationship with each other. Although the agreement is non-binding, we hope all parents will wish to subscribe to its aims.


