Ofsted Report September 2012
15th October 2012
Dear Parents
Our Ofsted Inspection Report has been released and is available on our website (www.stalbridge.dorset.sch.uk) as a download. Hard copies of the report can be collected from the school office.
We are very pleased with the report - it is very positive about the school's work.
The inspectors observed the school's work by visiting lessons (17 in all), looking at children's books, hearing children read, talking to staff, parents and children and studying data on children's attainment and evidence of children's behaviour and safety.
The Inspectors concluded that:
• The overall effectiveness of the school is GOOD
• The achievement of pupils is GOOD
• The quality of teaching is GOOD
• The behaviour and safety of pupils is OUTSTANDING
• The leadership and management is GOOD
These judgements confirm the school's own self-evaluation judgements and reflects the new Ofsted framework for Inspection (Sept 2012).
Ofsted saw many areas of good, outstanding and exemplary practice. For example
• Pupils thoroughly enjoy school. Relationships between pupils, families and school staff are highly positive.
• Teaching across the school leads to high levels of enjoyment and engagement from pupils. Relationships between pupils and staff are very respectful and productive with most teachers having high expectations of their classes.
• The school has improved since its previous inspection because leaders have sharply focused on ensuring that teachers make good use of assessment to inform teaching and learning.
They concluded we were not yet an outstanding school overall because:
• a minority of teachers are not always challenged sufficiently to further improve aspects of their teaching, and
• occasionally lesson introductions continue for too long constraining the pace and challenge presented to the pupils.
For the school to improve further Ofsted would like to see the quality of teaching lifted from good to outstanding. This is always a goal for the school and we will continue to focus on this.
We would encourage you to read the full report which is enclosed. We are very proud of all aspects of the report
Yours sincerely
Mr Allen, Mr McAney Mrs Brown (Leadership Team on behalf of the staff)
Mr K Allen Miss L Hinks (Chair and Vice Chair on behalf of the governors)